skin cancer

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What are the risk factors for skin cancer?

A smiling woman in a beach with many face freckles is in a high risk for melanoma, a type of skin cancer

High Risk (3 monthly self-examination and 12 monthly skin check with doctor) Red hair Type 1 skin and age greater than 45 years Type 2 skin and age greater than 65 years Family history of melanoma in a first degree relative in patients aged over 15 years More than 100 naevi (birthmarks, beauty marks) or … Read more

Why do I need a skin check?

A man with freckles on the back needs regular skin cancer checks for spotting signs of sun damage before it becomes skin cancer

Regular checks give you a good chance of spotting the signs of sun damage before they become serious Regular checks will help you get to know your own skin and gain a greater understanding of what is normal on your skin and what is not, which will help you in identifying any new or changing … Read more

How often do I need a skin check?

A September calendar showing the importance of regular skin checks at home

Skin checks at home are an important additional tool to decrease your risk from skin cancer. Studies have shown that regular skin checks at home makes it twice as likely that a melanoma will be diagnosed when it is thin and small, potentially meaning total cure through just removal of the cancer from the skin. … Read more