Dr. Anne is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Practitioners (RACGP) and an Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor (Skin Cancer College Australasia). She holds a Masters degree in Skin Cancer and is a Senior Lecturer on the UQ Masters of Medicine (Skin Cancer) program. She has completed specific training in skin cancer surgery and holds ACCO Certification in Skin Cancer Surgery. She is passionate about identifying skin cancer at an early stage, when simple surgical removal can be expected to effect a complete cure.
‘The best possible clinical care in the setting of excellent customer service’ is her professional mantra. To that end, she works closely in-house with Dr. Moz, working collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes especially in relation to the more complex surgical cases, and has cultivated close relationships with the external professionals key to her patients’ outcomes – pathologists, plastic surgeons and dermatologists. She keeps her skills and knowledge up to date by regular attendance at skin cancer workshops and conferences, both domestic and international.